The Academy of Learning is a premier preschool and daycare center in Norfolk, VA. We provide a safe, fun, and educational daycare space for your children to spend the day. We believe that caring and learning go hand in hand. We offer early childhood education, inclusion classrooms, pre-kindergarten programs, fine arts programs, behavioral intervention services, and more! Our degreed teachers help children develop physical, social, emotional, and cognitive personal aspects of early childhood. We achieve this by helping your child grow and develop, providing a warm and loving experience at our school.
The Academy of Learning will invest emotionally in each child. This will be done with an open mind and the understanding that learning is exciting and fun. The program is about providing the best education to each child.
If you are interested in our preschool education services or if you would like to learn more about what we can do for you, go ahead and contact us at The Academy of Learning today for more information.